B2b customer purchase path

Thirdly, links should be attractive to users and contain valuable content. Links should lead to websites with high-quality content and provide users with information about the site or product. To sum up, in order to effectively use links for website positioning in accordance with Rafał Cyrański’s guidelines, it is important to remember that the links…

Is it possible to conduct research on your own

Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools to improve the visibility of your website in search engines such as Google or Bing. This tool will help you improve product descriptions and other elements of your website so that you can achieve a better organic ranking of these search engines and thus attract new audiences to your…

Marketing research in business

Regular Communication: Regular communication between sellers and. Dropshipping providers is very important to maintain a good business relationship and. Avoid problems with the sale or delivery of the product. Regularly inform the supplier of new nes or problems and expectations regarding product quality and timely deliveries. . Keeping Records: In order to keep your dropshipping…