Director of the steel mill are less likely

Audience in Target Advertising  Target Audience There is a special setting in the advertising account that determines whether the audience belongs to a certain geographical point they live work visit regularly here and now. So if you multiply all the geographic segments above by  you have a ton of options to test and choose the one that works best. Micro-geo-tuning when we use it we show a person a familiar place and ask him if he’s been here works perfectly. The user answers in his heart Yes!  and obsessively go to the desir link.

Why and How to Segment the

The only thing to consider is  hundrs VP Software Email Lists of ads this way but you will ne a lot of manpower and money to create and test them. More than examples and a selection of master classes. Choose your gift. Option . Familiarity with the product We divide the audience into several groups according to this characteristic – Users who know the company. Here subscribers from social networks website visitors databases participants of registration campaigns addresses in email newsletters – contacts of all those who have already been expos to the product; – personal acquaintances. This includes friends of company owners or partners.

C Level Executive List

That you can get dozens or even

There are nuances the acquaintances Asia Email List of the  to be the target audience of the business but the friends of the manicurist are the most likely potential customers; – Repositioning the base. Also product. For example for an evening dress salon the same salon will become a direct competitor but with a different name an adjacent one – a boutique where dresses are sold a little more or cheaper indirectly – all those goods and services with which the girl will be able to become the queen of the evening without a new dress. For example shoe stores accessories stylist.

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