How to set exact location attention

News from the blog. Text and image ads now have more precise location options in addition to the existing country territory and city targeting. You can target specific points on the map such as near your office where your ad will be shown to people nearby who are or may be interest in your offer. For example a coffee shop might show its ad to users who are looking for coffee or lunch nearby as well as users who work within.

How does precise targeting work

A -kilometer radius Now able to specify VP Administration Email Lists exact salons coffee shops fitness clubs etc. If your business has business premises in a certain area you can specify this area as the specific location. Next all that’s left is to create an ad group to reach customers in your area of ​​interest. You can offer discounts to users who live nearby. Therefore the ad will be as attractive as possible to your target audience. Online Business Online businesses can use precise location targeting to display ads where their target audience visits most often. For example if you provide repair services set impressions bas on the exact location near a hardware store. Also online businesses and delivery companies around the city can try to use the exact location.

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In this case this type of targeting can Asia Email List actually help ruce your potential audience. Get more promotional marketing material on this page.  Precise location is only available if display criteria are configur using keywords auto-targeting interest-bas targeting or rirection. In your campaign or ad group you ne to find the display area block Now able to specify exact location.  image  Now you ne to select the exact location Now able to specify exact location.  image  Next specify the location and radius.

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