How to Structure Your Dashboards

Structuring your dashboards is essential for you to manage your business well. Yes, but here you are, you don’t know how to do it or what numbers you need to get out. overview of the main basic figures that you must have in mind when you are an entrepreneur. Turnover and its breakdowns of course, you must know the state of your sales but the state of your sales must be broken down between the different products in order to clearly understand what you are selling and to be able to restock in good time. A good breakdown allows you to know the products that work best and those that do not work in order to direct your sales policy towards this or that product.

Just Because One Product Sells

B etter than another doesn’t mean it’s necessarily the best for your business. By keeping your data. You will be able to make better projections over time and understand your best and worst periods. The number of customers and their expenses we might find this data useless. However it allows Stone, Clay, Glass Manufacturers Email List you to know your customer risk. Especially if you are paid a posteriori. If you have too high a concentration of turnover on a single customer. Be careful because it is often a risk that you pose to your company in the event of failures. Of this one or in the event of conflicts. Late payments or disputes. Many companies seek to diversify. Their customers in this way so as not to put all the eggs in one basket.

Job Function Email Database

Your Margin by Product Type

A good dashboard allows you to assign a cost to each sale or type of sales. It should allow you to determine which products are the most profitable and which are less so. be careful, having products that are not very profitable or not profitable does not necessarily mean that you will have to stop them Asia Email List because they can be used as loss leaders so that your customers consume your other products. We will think of catering where drinks are often a good source of profit for companies. This data will nevertheless allow you to know on which products you should concentrate your efforts and whether you should be satisfied with your sales for the day or not.

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