Error Experience Failure the Difference to Be Made

If you are an entrepreneur, there is a distinction to be made between three notions: those of error, experience or failure. You are led to make many decisions that will have positive or negative consequences. Yet even if you make mistakes, they can turn into experiences and differentiate from failure. Doing nothing is the worst option the only way to never make a mistake is to never try anything. However, as a business leader , you will experiment and explore many avenues to move your business forward and you will have to take risks. Not all of them can turn out as successful as you would like and will not necessarily lead to success. However if you don’t try anything, you will never win anything so you might as well go for it. As the saying goes, 100% of lottery winners have played. The worst option is to do nothing and. Contrary to what one might think, this is a more than common situation.

It’s Tempting to Settle for A Routine

In which you master all the elements, but inertia causes you to fall. Just because you’re the leader doesn’t mean you’ll stay that way forever, so you might as well try something. Finally, the biggest source of failures often remains to try nothing. Loss of guilt: first reflex start by feeling guilty and above all learn from your mistakes. You’re not omniscient, so stop torturing yourself when you make the wrong decision. The great Manufacturing Directors Email Lists difficulty remains managing a feeling of helplessness and sometimes realizing that you are at an impasse that you cannot resolve. But one of the great qualities that you can then adopt is that of knowing how to pivot or to take it into account so as not to reproduce it. if something doesn’t work, it’s not necessarily your fault, but the key is to learn from it.

C Level Executive List

The only Real Mistake that You Can Count

As failure is making the same mistake over and over again or persisting. Too long in a way that is obviously not working. It is necessary to differentiate the fact of persisting because you see. that it will work with the fact of persisting in a way which does not work. You must be able to question your Asia Email List decisions without necessarily questioning yourself. Learning first mistakes are above all a source of learning and, even if you go bankrupt. It will only become a failure if you have learned nothing from this experience. A large part of the success stories begins with a failure. As shown by the experience of jack ma, founder of alibaba. Eventually, you must turn your mistakes into experience so that they are no longer so. as thomas edison said, he found 1000 ways not to make electricity.

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