Imagination in using the product. including excellent service the Apple brand is that Apple does business with innovation at its core, developing products that focus on the customer and the environment. Products or services must be different in one aspect such as quality, features, benefits receiv. that consumers must really feel that there is a noticeable difference must be of value to consumers If the product or merchandise cannot be creat for consumers to see the value will lose cribility confidence and waste a lot of resources That distinction has to be appropriate for the target audience.
If any organization
Athat target group must be given priority. create Chile Email List a competitive advantage Strategic Planning SWOT analysis to identify the advantageous strengths of the company, such as the use of technology in product development. production process research and development outstanding selling point product difference Determine the use of differentiation strategies. Conduct research to find out what value consumers are looking for in each market segment. for each target group. Clearly specify the scope of the business. Put concepts or ideas to meet the target audience. Test the idea that the resulting value Does the target audience want it.
Can do these things
Once the concept is accept, it’s time to Asia Email List research and develop products to meet the target audience. Test what has been research and develop that How much can it meet the target group’s nes? Plan and improve all the time. When a company or organization uses a differentiat leadership strategy, it It requires a true understanding of the customer. Leaders must have progressive thinking, dare to think, dare to do, have a strong team in research and development. mix with creative thinking and strength in business structure.