Retirement Savings Plan how To Know Your Tax Advantage

Every worker wants to be able to continue to live decently when he stops working after many years of hard work. To have the financial means necessary to live your retirement properly, the retirement savings plan (per) is an innovative and interesting solution for building up savings. By choosing the per, you can benefit from significant tax advantages which facilitate your life plan. What are these benefits? What pe rs can you subscribe to? Is the retirement savings plan? The retirement savings plan is a long-term savings product that allows you to benefit from a capital or an annuity at retirement age. this device, which aims to be more flexible for savers, was created by the pacte law.

Individual per The Individual

Per is open to everyone, whether you are a salaried worker, a self-employed worker or a job seeker. One can choose an individual per of investment which must be subscribed by a company approved for the exercise of the activity of advice in investment. There is also the individual insurance Heavy Construction Contractors Email List per which must be taken out by an additional occupational pension fund or an association that subscribes to group life insurance contracts. Voluntary payments made on the per are subject to controlled management. In the event that it is a company per that is transferred to an individual per, mandatory payments and employee savings rights can be placed in the individual plan.

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Your Savings Are Invested in More Profitable Assets

When retirement age is approaching. Investment now focuses on less risky assets. The amounts paid into your plan reduce the amount of your taxable income. And therefore your income tax. you can use a powerful online per simulator to simulate the tax benefit. Linked to a voluntary payment into Asia Email List a retirement savings plan. You can also reliably estimate your retirement capital and pension. All you have to do is fill in the information on your professional situation. Your per payments. Your income and your family situation in the simulator. Payments are subject to ceilings: 10% of net professional income for the year 2022 with a maximum. Deduction of 32.909 euros (or rather 4.114 euros if this amount is more favorable) for salaried workers.

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