Series of international conferences

Series of international risk management and valuable, appropriate risk planning in the project are extremely important for achieving success. It is not possible to avoid risk, but understanding, identifying and managing. It helps minimize negative effects and increase. The chances of project success. Risk management planning allows for earlier detection of potential threats. Which allows…

Adjust the position of the reflection layer

To create movement. Export the animation as a gif or video file. Technique 2: using after effects import footage: open after effects and import your image. Drag it to the composition timeline. Duplicate and flip: duplicate the image layer by selecting it and pressing ctrl/command + d. Flip the duplicated layer vertically using the transform…

How to Personalize Your Emails for More Engagement

In today’s crowded inbox, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the competition. One way to do this is to personalize your emails. When you personalize your emails, you’re showing your subscribers that you care about them and that you’re not just sending out mass messages. This can lead to higher open rates,…