These Entrepreneurship Lessons You Can Learn from Santa

Santa claus this year had to find treasures of imagination so that these gifts reach everyone. He set up click and collect, he developed the e-commerce sites of our stores. In short, he distinguished himself by his imagination. For christmas 2022, santa claus has imposed himself as every year on the minds of consumers in france, business leaders and there are more than one of them, without realizing they are enjoying it: gifts, food, meals , decoration, beauty…the list is so long… the fact remains that he is the entrepreneur who has managed for several centuries to keep his business afloat and who has managed to expand around the world. This central figure is santa claus.

A Fictional Character Rooted in Ancient

Rites and beliefs, formerly called “saint nicholas”, he became a symbol of christmas celebrations in the mid-19th century in the west. Because of his job, that of distributing a huge amount of gifts to children around the world, he has the same characteristics as a business manager. The profile Depository Institutions Email List of this folkloric character linked to the magic of christmas delivers important advice and aspects for today’s entrepreneurs and leaders. Zoom in on several lessons from this iconic fictional character. Take breaks and vacations breaks are important moments in everyday life. These are periods during which contractors and employees can recharge their batteries, rest and recover all their energy to return to work with increased efficiency and productivity.

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The Main Thing Is that The Different Protagonists

Carry out an activity that pleases them, which fascinates them and changes their minds. According to the 5th barometer of the mma foundation of entrepreneurs of the future mandated opinion way, work overload leads to long working hours. Indeed, the respondents declare that they work Asia Email List an average of 50 hours per week, or even 60 hours per week for 21% of the respondents. These many hours of work have repercussions on the private lives of the leaders. In fact, 39% say they are unable to maintain a balance between private and professional life. The daily working time of vse bosses would be 9:40 on average and 72% of them would extend their work at home.

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