A Few Minutes to Save a Lot of Time
If you want to save time every day, take a few minutes to learn these handy keyboard shortcuts. Every day, you will save time especially if you have to write messages to your contacts or if you have to type texts on your computer. Zoom on the shortcuts to especially know by heart as well as some tips. The three basic commands you need to know ctrl a = allows you to “select all”. This shortcut can save you time when you have to copy text. Ctrl c = copy or ctrl v = cut: these two commands allow you either to copy a text or to cut it. in this second case, you remove it from the current text, which saves you from erasing it. it is often accompanied by the command ctrl v: paste which allows you to put the text at the place you want.
It Is Particularly Useful
When you have made a bad manipulation in a software. Sometimes it is possible using this command even though it does not appear explicitly. Redo is usually useful if you have used undo before and for example have undone one too many times. The three layout shortcuts. Ctrl u = this is used to VP Technical Email Lists underline ctrl i = used to italicize ctrl g or b = everything depends on the software but it is used to bold your text. It is the first in the french ones and the second for “bold” in the anglo-saxon software. Those that can be useful to you from time to time ctrl p = this command is used to print ctrl s = lets you save and is especially worth remembering. Ctrl f = this manipulation generally allows you to search.
It Saves You from Spending a Long Time
Searching for a text box that can be talked about during a conversation and will take away some gray hairs. Some other lesser known but useful shortcuts alt f4 = less known. It is used either to close a document or to generally shut down your computer. If you are often asked for confirmation. This command can save you time. Especially if you often browse with several software. Shift f3 = particularly useful on word. It allows Asia Email List you to switch from lowercase to uppercase and vice versa. For this you must select the text box. it will save your life if you have inadvertently typed a text in lowercase when you intended to put it in uppercase. If you can find this command elsewhere. It is usually hidden in menus that are particularly difficult to find.