Leaders the Ikigai Method as A Compass in This Period of Uncertainty

The japanese method of that is to say discovering one’s purpose, helps to understand. How we can find ourselves inaccording to our way of living and feeling. Our emotions become filters in our actions and in our relationships with others that must be taken into account. Almost everyone knows, through the example of the multi-faceted glass, the difference in vision depending on the position where one is in relation to the glass. Unaware of this different vision, we are trained to choose and sometimes ill-advisedly. Since we have a limited vision of reality while we are convinced of identifying reality. With objectivity and of our ability to make decisions taking into account what we perceive.

Be Stubborn and Refuse to Be Wrong

Through this situation we make judgments that can harm us about the other collaborator or client, whereas if we take the trouble to look at the other side of the glass, we could understand the vision and ideas of others. Thus the discovery of ideas or realities would be favored, which would make Accounting Directors Email Lists it possible to opt for better choices. What are these different perceptions that lead us to act without objectivity? 1. Stick to your first impression, for example when recruiting or meeting a client, and therefore pass judgment and not try to have other perceptions.

C Level Executive List

Oppose Ex Officio Any Suggestion to Retain Power

Taking credit for yourself and only attributing failures to others. It’s the fault of voltaire… many leaders tend to believe that their successes are exclusively their own. Because they are the founders and that to get there. They had to face a myriad of difficulties but that failures are not due only to factors Asia Email List independent of them. They develop an ego that has no place as a leader and that will drive many away. 3. be stubborn and refuse to be wrong. Certainly it is difficult to note a failure but nothing worse than stubbornly wanting to pursue a strategy. That leads to disaster because the feeling of having wasted one’s time and energy is unbearable to apprehend.


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