The Tradition of Greeting Cards

If greeting cards did not exist spontaneously, it is quite simply because originally it was the addressee who paid to receive his mail and not the sender. This tradition began to really take shape from the first English postage stamp, known as the “Penny Black” in 1840. The practice was that the cards were sent before Christmas and to wish a happy new year even if, today, the tendency is to send them after these two dates. In France, this tradition spread because the custom wanted everyone to visit during this period their relatives but also their colleagues, which could represent many trips.

Make a Success of Your Professional Greeting Card

Today, the tradition is well anchored and the professional does not escape this type of communication. To avoid ending up spending your days meeting everyone, this use made it possible to get rid of this obligation, if you give a business card to the concierge as proof of your trip. It was then a Spain Business Fax List question of writing a few words on it as a wish. Note that illustrated greeting cards as we know them did not emerge until the end of the 1940s. If duplicating a message in the chain can save time, it is clear that personalization is much more appreciated. Each element you can add shows that your message is addressed to a unique person and reinforces the impact of your greeting card.

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Personalize Your Greeting Card as Much as Possible

If this is not necessarily possible, especially if you have a lot to send. You can try to group them according to the recipients (collaborators, customers, partners, etc.). A trick lies in personalizing only part of the message, for example by manually writing the recipient’s name. Adding a sentence Asia Email List or even using variable data. The message remains one of the big problems when you want to make your greeting card. It is not a question of writing a commercial message but a personal message. If you want this one to be kept by the rcipient. It must be warm but must remain sober enough not to offend your interlocutor.


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