Being an entrepreneur is stressful enough without having to put up with the inappropriate behavioral skills of some employees. Any resemblance of this top 10 of annoying employee attitudes, with real facts and real people, is unfortunately not the result of chance. The 10 behaviors to manage to become serene the transmission of information 1 – the one who withholds information . some employees keep all the information to themselves and do not share it. they keep everything in mind, which can become serious in case of absence because no one can take over the file. Making yourself unavoidable flatters the employee’s ego as much as it puts his company at risk. So of course, nothing prevents you from forming very close relationships with your client.
Making Them Almost a Friend
Is a plus for a salesperson. Tip : show that withholding information hurts the business and is the opposite of a skill. 2 – the one who capitulates and systematically passes difficult files to colleagues. It is sometimes possible to pass on tasks when you are overloaded, but some make it a rule to always Holding, Investment Offices Email List delegate, which can quickly become annoying for those who already have work. You must be able to trust each of the people on your team and it is not always up to the same people to assume. Tip : never turn a blind eye to this kind of attitude and bring it up so that the employee understands that you are not fooled: humor allows you to bring up the problem without creating conflict.
The One Who Pretends Not to Have the Information
If you have set up a reporting, it is because you want the information to pass. It’s not just to annoy employees. Some pretend to discover information with surprise and do not transmit their reports. They have to be call to order and nothing is more annoying. Tip : congratulating those who send Asia Email List you the report on time will create momentum. Individualistic behavior 4 – the one who does not make an effort to fit in. nothing is more frustrating. When trying to build a group spirit than seeing someone who doesn’t make the slightest. Effort to fit in and who is bitching all the time. If you are a unifier at heart, a potential leader, it is difficult to. Have an individual who is a grain of sand in the well-oiled dynamic infused with team cohesion.