The Checklist to Establish if You Don’t Want to Forget Anything when You Launch a Box

You will soon open your business, but you are afraid of forgetting an important step or a formality? Preparing a checklist is a great way to avoid this problem. Steps to note justify a professional address: before undertaking the steps for the realization of your project, you will need to have a professional address to obtain registration with the trade register (rcs), the trades directory or urssaf. You can operate from your home or rent outside premises. Find an attractive company name it should reflect your field of activity, but also your personality. Register your company a search in the trade register will allow you to check whether this company name already exists.

If It Is a Craft Activity

You will have to register in the trades directory; for a commercial activity, contact the business formalities center (cfe); registration must be made with the urssaf for a liberal activity. Publish the creation of your company to formalize the launch of your box or your company, it will be necessary VP Risk Email Lists to publish an announcement in the official bulletin of civil and commercial announcements. Notifying the post office of the opening of your business is also part of the essential formalities opening a professional account in a bank is essential for the financial transactions of your business take out professional insurance fill out a membership form for an occupational medicine center , if you intend to hire employees.

C Level Executive List

Three Months After Registering Your Business

Join a pension fund. Expected expenses for the creation of a commercial enterprise, you will have to pay the following sums: commercial enterprise – registration in the trade and companies register (rcs): €25.34 – registration in the trade and companies register (rcs) by persons covered by the micro-social scheme: free. Craft business registration in the trades directory (rm): on average €130 (this amount varies Asia Email List according to the departments) registration in the trades directory (rm) by people covered by the micro-social scheme: free. 60 euros for registration in the commercial register 45 euros if it is a sole proprietorship 185 euros (the amount varies according to the departments) to register a craft trade in the directory of trades in addition, the registration with urssaf is free for the liberal professions.

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