Visibility on The Web the Importance of General Conditions of Sale

The general conditions of sale (cgv) gather the commercial information concerning a product or a service. By signing them, few entrepreneurs know to what extent certain rules can have a lasting effect on the life of their business. Vigilance is required! The general conditions of sale (cgv) differ according to the nature of the customer….

10 Software in Their Free Version to Manage Your Vse / Sme Customer Relationship

Customer management is one of the priorities of vs es, sm es and the self-employed. To respond to this, they must equip themselves with customer relationship management software, but often their cash does not allow them to invest in software that would allow them to obtain better results. However, there are software that offer a…

12 Free Video Conferencing Tools to Communicate Remotely

The confinement forced us to use the remote tools which allowed us most of the time to communicate in our personal life. In professional life, they were increasingly used for companies located internationally or when traveling by managers or employees. Given the telework imposed by confinement, the tools that we had little opportunity to use…

14 Tools to Better Collaborat Delegate Think with Your Teams

The containment will have placed more than one company under the obligation to use collaborative tools so as not to find its activity at a standstill. Both leaders and managers during these two months and even more have taken on new habits. They sometimes came up against the fact of not having high-performance tools but…

Earn Money or Develop Your Notoriety Your Visibility Thanks to The Podcast

They are more than one to think that with a podcast, it could not only acquire notoriety or visibility but also find a source of income. The infographic below gives you some ways to earn income. On this infographic made in 2019, you will find 10 ways to earn money thanks to this new media:…

What Questions Should You Ask Yourself Before Launching Your Podcast

What questions should you ask yourself before launching your podcast? Answers by cédric bégoc, content director at acast france . who is my podcast target and how can i reach them? The podcast is a growing medium, which weaves a strong bond with its audience. A podcast episode is listened to for 26 minutes on…

What Can the Podcast Be Used for 20 Inspiring Uses

In the minds of many businesses, podcasting is limited to a few uses. However, it offers many possibilities for communicating with customers or future customers, partners and employees. Focus on the interest of the podcast to boost your communication. Externally external communication was put in great difficulty during the various confinements which arrived unexpectedly while…