The Discomfort of The Managers of Small Traditional Sm Es

For months, all players in the economy have agreed that french companies are encountering difficulties. Our sm es seem to be heavily penalized by high payroll costs, untenable pressure on cash (payment deadlines, orders confirmed late, very tense commercial price negotiations, etc.) and excessively changing taxation. The recent multiplication of bankruptcies and companies in difficulty prompts us to say that we are in a difficult situation. In recent years, the political community has constantly committed to taking measures to improve the financial situation suffered by these sm es: implementation of the law on the modernization of the economy, launch of the public bank of ‘investment.

Asks Banks to Support Companies

Financing needs , tax credit, set of laws during covid… so many measures to give companies some breathing room to resume their development. Too limited solutions it is clear that these measures do not target the majority of companies. On the tail side, the latest government decisions mainly Food, Kindred Products Manufacturers Email List meet the expectations of large exporting sm es, innovative companies and large french companies. On the face side, 96.8% of french companies, those that hire 1 to 19 employees, have been hunkered down for a while, are now struggling to maintain jobs and unfortunately end up running out of steam. A worrying observation when we know that these vs es hold.

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The Majority of Jobs and Create

Around 30% of the value produced in our country. Unlike medium and large companies, vs es. which are more traditional in nature, do not benefit from any notoriety. Do not seek to relocate to improve their profits and have no one to inject. Hundreds of thousands of euros in order to support their business. For them, the job cuts linked to the crisis are less visible, a few here and there. But in the end, it’s not about Asia Email List the 8,000 layoffs of a major automaker. No, tens of thousands of employees are affected by failures in vs es disillusioned and lonely tp. Es forgotten by the media and politicians, faced with tax and administrative regulations that are constantly changing. The managers of very small businesses often feel alone.

Business Plan Financial Mistakes Not to Make

You are about to write the famous financial part of the business plan. Exercise is dreaded by many entrepreneurs. For what ? You may be afraid of not knowing accounting or financial terms, a rough mastery of excel or even the fear of being clumsy with numbers. However, the main errors that we encounter are often errors of common sense. The form errors the quantified part of the business plan is often complicated to read, there is so much data that interacts with each other. It is above all a question of facilitating the work of reading your financial model and your financial part. It is not up to your interlocutor to make an effort to understand.

We Often Encounter Excel Files

Incomprehensible tables on which all the information is grouped together on a single tab. a basic rule must be respected: you need different tabs for each part with at least one tab: for assumptions, which explains the main formulas, for the income statement, for the balance sheet, financing Electronic, Electrical Manufacturers Email List needs. For cash flow, we can also distinguish between two types of hypotheses: those that the entrepreneur enters directly by hand. It is then necessary to put them in a certain color and in italics to recognize them well. The hypotheses resulting from an automatic calculation, which must appear in another color, possibly in bold. They are not questionable unless you have done your spreadsheet incorrectly.

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Data and Assumptions that Fall from

The sky another classic form error is forgetting to justify assumptions. Indeed, the funder knows that your financial model is wrong. For what ? Because no one can predict the future! Above all, he wants to check the consistency of your words and your reasoning as well as the professionalism Asia Email List of your approach (and that you have not made any errors in your calculations). He seeks reassurance and the ability to justify hypotheses serves this mission. Therefore, the most important thing is not so much the result but the justification of the hypotheses. You must therefore, in your business plan and in your model, justify each hypothesis entered by hand, indicating why you have chosen such a figure, and what are your sources.

Accounting Classify It Is Won

Accounting is a chore and it is in no way an end in itself: there is no accounting without economic activity. However, thankless as it is, accounting is a business management tool in addition to being an obligation. It requires a certain rigor so you might as well get started today. Adopt the method of reflex classification! In many start-ups and vs es, repetitive administrative tasks are often postponed until “later, when we have time” . it is also said that accounting is complicated. However, there is nothing worse than piles of documents piled up in various ways: a little on the desk, a little in the living room, at home. Especially the more documents accumulate, the more off-putting it can become to get to work.

Nothing Less Motivating than Having

To check through tons of emails to find the attachments that. Will justify the declaration to be made “for yesterday” or even having to spend an. afternoon scanning documents that you will have to classify by the following. Here is a simple message that you should remember: systematically. Classify your Medical Surgical Dental Equipments Email List papers and scan them as soon as possible if necessary! If you don’t want to do it every day: don’t worry about the paperwork every. Day but buy a cardboard and compartmentalized sorter, in which you file directly. By subject, by interlocutor or by recipient, all the ” incoming papers. Do the same on your computer with dedicated directories, to manage dematerialized documents. Arrived by email or invoices that you download.

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The Important Thing Is Habit

Which allows you to put away in the right place. In a single gesture. By doing this. You systematically make 50% of the administrative effort. You will still have to “process” the sorted items. Each month: reply to mail. Send invoices to the accountant. Declaration to be made. Payment Asia Email List to be issued. Purge every month if you don’t do anything on a day-to-day basis except centralizing all documents. You should schedule at least one half-day per month reserved for administrative management . already. Because you will necessarily have to declare your vat. You may not have this monthly obligation but nothing prevents. You from taking the reflex for when your activity develops.

This Year Forget the Good Resolutions

Each end and beginning of the new year is an opportunity for many of us to start by making good resolutions. These resolutions are usually about deciding to drop bad habits or incorporate new behaviors. The first days we try to stick to it but very quickly, despite our good intentions, we return to our initial behavior and our resolutions are good to put away. If you don’t really decide to stick to it, all that happens to you is to make a negative evaluation of your person by bringing you the proof that once again “i am not capable of”. admit that starting the year by lowering your self-esteem is not what you wanted at the start! A matter of motivation in reality, if we do not succeed in keeping our resolutions.

It Is Because They Are only Intentions

Wishes things that we would like, and that they are only guided by intellectual and real motivations. . intentions, in general, lack an essential ingredient for their realization: emotional motivation. So if this year was the opportunity not to make good resolutions or only those that we really Special Trade Contractors Email List care about? Because the secret of change lies at the heart of our motivations, why not replace the list of your good resolutions with motivating goals? As entrepreneurs, the boundaries between personal and professional life are almost invisible. So to start the year off right, i’m offering you a popular tool because it makes it very easy to identify the motivating goals they want to achieve, those that will make a real difference in their lives.

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A Multi-Step Tool as An Alternative

To apply this tool, i invite you to take 10 minutes in peace. Take a sheet of white a4 paper, a pencil, an eraser, and post-it notes. Step 1: prepare your medium draw 2 circles about 4 cm in diameter one below the other the first circle will represent your current life, and the second your desired life. Step 2: visualize Asia Email List yourself today you will now focus on how you distribute the 5 main areas of life in your current life, namely: 1/ moi 2/ my work 3/ but social ways 4/ my couple 5/ my family take the time to position these 5 areas in your current pie chart. Choose the criterion that speaks to you the most. Some will choose the criterion “importance”, others “time”, still others priority.


Retirement Savings Plan how To Know Your Tax Advantage

Every worker wants to be able to continue to live decently when he stops working after many years of hard work. To have the financial means necessary to live your retirement properly, the retirement savings plan (per) is an innovative and interesting solution for building up savings. By choosing the per, you can benefit from significant tax advantages which facilitate your life plan. What are these benefits? What pe rs can you subscribe to? Is the retirement savings plan? The retirement savings plan is a long-term savings product that allows you to benefit from a capital or an annuity at retirement age. this device, which aims to be more flexible for savers, was created by the pacte law.

Individual per The Individual

Per is open to everyone, whether you are a salaried worker, a self-employed worker or a job seeker. One can choose an individual per of investment which must be subscribed by a company approved for the exercise of the activity of advice in investment. There is also the individual insurance Heavy Construction Contractors Email List per which must be taken out by an additional occupational pension fund or an association that subscribes to group life insurance contracts. Voluntary payments made on the per are subject to controlled management. In the event that it is a company per that is transferred to an individual per, mandatory payments and employee savings rights can be placed in the individual plan.

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Your Savings Are Invested in More Profitable Assets

When retirement age is approaching. Investment now focuses on less risky assets. The amounts paid into your plan reduce the amount of your taxable income. And therefore your income tax. you can use a powerful online per simulator to simulate the tax benefit. Linked to a voluntary payment into Asia Email List a retirement savings plan. You can also reliably estimate your retirement capital and pension. All you have to do is fill in the information on your professional situation. Your per payments. Your income and your family situation in the simulator. Payments are subject to ceilings: 10% of net professional income for the year 2022 with a maximum. Deduction of 32.909 euros (or rather 4.114 euros if this amount is more favorable) for salaried workers.

How to Choose the Right Clothing Wholesaler in France

If we can say that a supplier is worth another, this is not the case. Certain criteria are to be taken into account when you choose it and which can greatly influence the success of your business. Your selection is all the more essential when you are going to make bulk orders and especially if it concerns clothing. Zoom on the criteria to take into account when you have to choose a clothing wholesaler in france. You can obviously go through traditional traders to buy a garment if you only have one piece to buy. in case you have a large volume order, buy clothes in bulk . you will realize great savings. Some preliminary analyzes before rushing on the internet to search all the websites of online clothing wholesalers.

You Must First Identify Your Needs

In order to determine the criteria that will be the most important when placing your order. The first job is to clearly identify your target because you cannot afford to use the same supplier if your customers are looking for top-of-the-range or if they are looking for the lowest prices. It is Building Construction, General Contractors Email List the same if your target concerns youth or seniors because suppliers tend to have a clientele adapted to a category. This is also the case if your search concerns gifts for clients. It is therefore a question of knowing your positioning well above all and of asking yourself about the desired quality. It is a question of being able above all to have specifications which list your criteria by importance.

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If Price and Quality Are Often Two Major Criteria

Other elements must be taken into account such as delivery times. The price: a criterion that can be misleading so often we tend to look for the cheapest at the same level of quality. We must take all the costs into account. Some suppliers thus have relatively low prices. But when you arrive at the Asia Email List time of delivery costs. These can explode and therefore no longer allow you to be competitive. Some do not hesitate to make up for the delivery costs while others will offer them to you by being a little more expensive at the base but offer you net prices and therefore make your job easier. The price is also misleading because two garments that may look identical do not necessarily have the same level of quality.

Force Employees to Go on Leave

One may wonder if it is legal to force certain employees to take their leave when there is little or no activity so that they are present during the busiest periods and do not put them down when you have need them. How do the holidays work? A possibility within the responsibility of the entrepreneur the basis remains that the organization of leave remains the responsibility of the employer. Basically, you are therefore able to impose the holiday dates that suit you. even if obtaining the agreement of your employee remains a basis of good manners and good understanding with your collaborators. In reality, an employee does not freely set his vacation dates, contrary to what one might think.

Quite Simply so That His Absence

Does not affect the proper functioning of the company. However, of course, you can’t do just anything and you have a duty to inform employees and be considerate and you must basically ensure at least 2 consecutive weeks of vacation once a year. Conversely, you cannot force him to take them Construction Email Address all at once. The labor code limits to 24 working days, i.e. 4 weeks, the 5th must thus be taken at another period. A minimum period of one month to respect if you want to impose leave, you cannot do it at the last minute and you must notify your employee at least one month in advance (unless exceptional circumstances arise) unless there is a company or establishment agreement, branch or a collective agreement.

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In Reality It Is Still Better to Foresee

This obligation if you do it much more in advance. If only so that your employees can go on vacation at a lower cost by planning their reservation. You can also decide on an annual closure of the company within. The same deadlines subject to consulting your works council or the staff representatives Asia Email List in their absence. If you have not informed your employees. They have the right to refuse. If you set a starting order if you decide to set a departure order. Certain criteria must be taken into account such as the employee’s family situation. Seniority and the employee’s activity with other employers. It should be noted that if the employer has the power to set the days off for his employees . this decision must not be decided by a collective agreement.

The 10 Behaviors that The Entrepreneur Does Not Support in His Employees

Being an entrepreneur is stressful enough without having to put up with the inappropriate behavioral skills of some employees. Any resemblance of this top 10 of annoying employee attitudes, with real facts and real people, is unfortunately not the result of chance. The 10 behaviors to manage to become serene the transmission of information 1 – the one who withholds information . some employees keep all the information to themselves and do not share it. they keep everything in mind, which can become serious in case of absence because no one can take over the file. Making yourself unavoidable flatters the employee’s ego as much as it puts his company at risk. So of course, nothing prevents you from forming very close relationships with your client.

Making Them Almost a Friend

Is a plus for a salesperson. Tip : show that withholding information hurts the business and is the opposite of a skill. 2 – the one who capitulates and systematically passes difficult files to colleagues. It is sometimes possible to pass on tasks when you are overloaded, but some make it a rule to always Holding, Investment Offices Email List delegate, which can quickly become annoying for those who already have work. You must be able to trust each of the people on your team and it is not always up to the same people to assume. Tip : never turn a blind eye to this kind of attitude and bring it up so that the employee understands that you are not fooled: humor allows you to bring up the problem without creating conflict.

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The One Who Pretends Not to Have the Information

If you have set up a reporting, it is because you want the information to pass. It’s not just to annoy employees. Some pretend to discover information with surprise and do not transmit their reports. They have to be call to order and nothing is more annoying. Tip : congratulating those who send Asia Email List you the report on time will create momentum. Individualistic behavior 4 – the one who does not make an effort to fit in. nothing is more frustrating. When trying to build a group spirit than seeing someone who doesn’t make the slightest. Effort to fit in and who is bitching all the time. If you are a unifier at heart, a potential leader, it is difficult to. Have an individual who is a grain of sand in the well-oiled dynamic infused with team cohesion.

Sm Es Better Manage Your Cash Flow

Sme managers are on multiple fronts and emergencies are an integral part of their daily lives. However , if there is one task they should never leave aside, it is that of monitoring their cash flow. Good cash monitoring is essential to support the development of the company. It’s not just about looking at your bank account every morning or meeting with your banker. Below are the key points. 1 – calculate your working capital requirement (wcr) working capital is a key indicator of your cash flow. Poorly controll in the growth phase, it leads to strong tensions, which can lead to the cessation of payments. Bfr, what is it? The working capital requirement (wcr) is the amount of cash required to run your business.

To Buy Your Stocks and Raw Materials

Operate your machines, remunerate your employees and pay your suppliers in waiting for payments from your customers. The working capital will cover the cash gap between the expenses essential to the operation of the company (which must be anticipated) and the arrival of receipts, subject to the vagaries of payment deadlines. Therefore, to calculate your bfr? The brf (working capital requirement) is calculated Finance And Banking Email List in parallel with the preparation of the annual budget / business plan. This budget is based on a growth forecast for the company and, from there, its need for working capital. Will the company’s growth be the same? Are you planning to launch a new product (with an increase in your purchases of raw materials).

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Do You Plan to Prospect New Customer

Therefore, with later payment terms? So many questions whose answers will influence your bfr… how to reduce your bfr? To reduce your wcr, one of the levers of action consists in reducing your customer outstandings: first try to negotiate with them a payment at 30 days instead of 60 days for Asia Email List example, set up deposits with the order whenever possible. Therefore, in place a dunning procedure suitable for late payments, organize an amicable dunning campaign or call on a collection company, which will put its team of specialists to work in order to bring fresh money into your boxes. Reducing wcr also means adapt the terms of payment of its suppliers (by increasing the duration of credit through targeted actions).

Why the Holiday Season Is a Key Period

You will tell us that as a leader, all periods of the year are essential periods and that the end of the year is only one of many. And yet, it combines the intense period of family celebrations with that of company life and therefore represents an unparalleled emotional challenge. Key period? A truism! For entrepreneurs and businesses, the period between christmas and new year’s day is a key period. For many activities, it is a period when sales are excellent, but for others it is the time when we are preparing for the following year. Certainly with the pandemic, as you have learned over the past two years, circumstances can lead you to question everything. So anticipating the unexpected is an excellent strategy.

In Most Activities The Post-Christmas

Period represents a quiet period. If the sales should not delay and can recreate a period of rush in certain activities, most companies should feel a lull until january 6th. focus on some good practices . 1/ get ahead and settle all the files it is above all an ideal period to settle the files that have not been Security, Commodity Brokers Email List processed and not to leave files lying around for the following year. If the period is calmer and the rest saving, it may be for you to start the new year without having to deal with what you have left the following year. You can take advantage of this period to finally get ahead and stop being in a permanent emergency. This will reduce your stress all year round. A good decision not to be missed.

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Project Yourself Into the Future

If you still have a few files to complete, the period from january 2 to 6 can be ideal for projecting yourself into the future and taking stock of the past. Creating a new, better performing organization or looking at what worked well or badly over the past year is a wise questioning. So you can look for solutions Asia Email List on what was particularly painful or wonder about the tasks that were too time-consuming for little added value. If you don’t necessarily have the immediate cash flow to put everything in place, you can outline the features of your future organization. It is also a key moment for strategic decisions. 3/ the opportunity to make a fresh start the beginning of the year is an excellent time to boost the motivation of the troops.

Santa Claus This Manager Par Excellence

Santa claus, we are waiting for him this evening or tomorrow morning with impatience. He has extended his territory on the planet and is not afraid to cross borders. In short, he is no longer afraid of snowstorms or winds. He does not fail and adapts to all commands and he is now a digital santa claus . santa claus gets thousands of parents, grandparents and uncles and aunts to act, especially in europe, to offer gifts, surround the tree with garlands and balls of all colors and bring families together. It is not a legend to say that it makes all food businesses work but also all sectors (toys, perfumery, jewellery, etc.). let’s take a look at this outstanding leader! Become santa claus entrepreneurial dynamics.

At the End of The Year when We Talk

More about doses than toys and gifts, wanted to put a little balm in the heart by addressing an extraordinary (and magical?) being who allows everyone to end the year in style: santa claus. Yes, if there is one person who works all year round to make people’s hearts happy, it’s him. a santa at Nondepository Credit Institutions Email List work all year round with customers all over the world, an entire industry is in motion to allow our young people to have a good holiday. To succeed in this colossal task, the man in red and with the white beard has little room for error and he knows it. this one would be (according to our latest sources) even in the process of applying new inventions to pollute our blue planet less during these trips. He has also taken advice from young entrepreneurs keen on ecology.

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Tools to Use Its Business Model

You will need to equip yourself with the essential tools, set up irreproachable procedures, have top-notch administrative management, improve your managerial techniques and strengthen team spirit. But like santa claus who has long since established himself as an undisputed leader with a sustainable business, to face the competition, you may also have to manage delicate situations. But aren’t challenges Asia Email List the best way forward? A multitasking worker who never stops! Is santa claus calling an entrepreneur a “manager”? Each year, he has to distribute a huge amount of gifts to children around the world. For this, he was able to surround himself with a good team and develop a concrete organization. Focus on the characteristics that make this fictional character an ideal manager.

These Entrepreneurship Lessons You Can Learn from Santa

Santa claus this year had to find treasures of imagination so that these gifts reach everyone. He set up click and collect, he developed the e-commerce sites of our stores. In short, he distinguished himself by his imagination. For christmas 2022, santa claus has imposed himself as every year on the minds of consumers in france, business leaders and there are more than one of them, without realizing they are enjoying it: gifts, food, meals , decoration, beauty…the list is so long… the fact remains that he is the entrepreneur who has managed for several centuries to keep his business afloat and who has managed to expand around the world. This central figure is santa claus.

A Fictional Character Rooted in Ancient

Rites and beliefs, formerly called “saint nicholas”, he became a symbol of christmas celebrations in the mid-19th century in the west. Because of his job, that of distributing a huge amount of gifts to children around the world, he has the same characteristics as a business manager. The profile Depository Institutions Email List of this folkloric character linked to the magic of christmas delivers important advice and aspects for today’s entrepreneurs and leaders. Zoom in on several lessons from this iconic fictional character. Take breaks and vacations breaks are important moments in everyday life. These are periods during which contractors and employees can recharge their batteries, rest and recover all their energy to return to work with increased efficiency and productivity.

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The Main Thing Is that The Different Protagonists

Carry out an activity that pleases them, which fascinates them and changes their minds. According to the 5th barometer of the mma foundation of entrepreneurs of the future mandated opinion way, work overload leads to long working hours. Indeed, the respondents declare that they work Asia Email List an average of 50 hours per week, or even 60 hours per week for 21% of the respondents. These many hours of work have repercussions on the private lives of the leaders. In fact, 39% say they are unable to maintain a balance between private and professional life. The daily working time of vse bosses would be 9:40 on average and 72% of them would extend their work at home.